If a constellation of pimples have appeared along your jawline or around your nose, then chances are that ‘maskne’ is the culprit.
A term first coined by Elizabeth Arden Consulting Dermatologist Dr Dendy Engelman, maskne describes the spots (a.k.a the acne) that appear on your skin as a result of wearing your government-mandated face mask.
Dr Engelman explains, ‘A lot of patients I’ve been seeing both virtually and socially distanced in person are complaining of Acne Mechanica – or Maskne.’
Of course, sporting a face covering when you’re in public places is a vital part of the team effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. So, how to lessen the potential impact on your skin? Read on for a few minor adjustments to make to your skincare regime and mask hygiene, to nix those parades of blemishes…